A Harmonious Life

Justin d’Anethan
2 min readApr 30, 2024

At the core of my life philosophy is the recognition that we are all interconnected, part of a greater whole, yet each uniquely capable of shaping our own destiny. We must balance the pursuit of our individual potential and happiness with an awareness of our interdependence and, yes, a certain responsibility to the wider community.

This harmonious way of living is grounded in presence and mindfulness -an experiential acceptance of what is. By fully inhabiting the here and now, we cultivate equanimity and an appreciation for the richness of ordinary experiences. We do not get overly attached to outcomes or external validation, but find fulfillment in the unfolding of each moment.

Through this balanced approach, we develop the wisdom to navigate life’s challenges with courage and integrity. Our actions are guided by a strong moral compass, yet remain flexible and adaptive to circumstances. We pursue excellence not for the sake of ego or status, but because it allows us to most fully actualize our unique potential.

My philosophy rejects the notion of a rigid, predetermined path to “the good life” or, on the negative side, any societal pressure guilting individuals into normative behaviours. We must transcend the false dichotomy between individual and collective, self-interest and altruism. Instead, a harmonious life embraces the fluidity of human experience, the unpredictability of the journey. We remain open to new perspectives, willing to evolve and grow alongside an ever-changing world while remaining true to individualistic abilities and aspirations.

At its core, still, it’s a celebration of our shared humanity — our capacity for reason, empathy, and transcendence. It is true that we are individual rays but we’re all part of a same light, originating from a same sun. By cultivating presence, awareness, and a sense of interconnection, we find the space to live authentically, enthusiasm to contribute meaningfully, and the freedom to experience the richness of existence.



Justin d’Anethan

Passionate about financial markets, long-term investments, the occasional short-term trade and disruptive technologies.